A donation of appreciation to the staff at the Vulcan Community Health Centre.

Sky Dance A donation of appreciation to the staff at the Vulcan Community Health Centre.  Local Vulcan Artist Steve R. Coffey, accompanied by his daughter Lydia,  generously donated his work “Sky Dance,” an Oil on Canvas, in appreciation for our local healthcare heros.   This incredible art piece was received by site manager Paulette [...]

By |2021-11-05T15:19:27-06:00November 5th, 2021|News|

HSAA demands AHS come clean about the state of emergency services in Alberta

The Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) releases information about the state of ambulance services in Alberta. Edmonton — Information gathered by HSAA shows Albertans can no longer be certain an ambulance will be available to respond when they need one. HSAA has tracked red alerts (no ambulance available to respond), including at least 135 in [...]

By |2021-10-27T17:00:31-06:00October 27th, 2021|News|

VCHW Foundation Auction News

The Vulcan County Health and Wellness Foundation exists to raise money to provide facility enhancements, wellness programming and bursaries to our local healthcare workers, volunteer emergency responders, and volunteer victims services advocates. Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the VCHW Foundation and all other not-for-profit organizations in the Canada were unable to host in-person fundraising [...]

By |2021-10-04T22:22:37-06:00September 21st, 2021|News|

Visitation in VCHC Acute Care and Emergency Department

Alberta Health Services (AHS) had made the difficult decision to limit access for family and visitors at our acute care, ambulatory care and urgent care/emergency sites. We are now in the process of progressively restoring access. Patients and families are still encouraged to maintain contact with each other virtually, rather than in-person at the [...]

By |2021-08-09T21:04:23-06:00August 9th, 2021|News|

COVID-19 Restrictions

Licensed supportive living, long-term care and hospice  RESIDENTS AND VISITING PERSONS  Lifting restrictions  • As of July 13, 2021, Alberta is starting Phase 1 of a staged approach to lifting COVID-19 restrictions in licensed supportive living, long-term care and hospice.  • Some measures will be lifted first, followed by others at a later date.  [...]

By |2021-08-09T21:04:07-06:00August 9th, 2021|News|
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