Lorelei Bexte
VCHWF Trustee
I am pleased to be a newly appointed (2021) Trustee of the Vulcan Health and Wellness Foundation and join a passionate team of individuals focused on promoting wellness and looking after our rural community.
I am currently in my 2nd term on the Palliser School Board and serve as the Board Chair. I also sit as a District Representative at the Southern Regional 4-H table and have just stepped down from the Provincial 4-H Communications committee. I serve as the Secretary/Treasurer for the Vulcan District 4-H as well as a leader for the Arrowwood Beef club. I have been involved with 4-H for the past 12 years, and I am passionate about this program for our youth.
I am very committed to our Rural communities. I believe we need strong voices to come together to ensure the survival of our schools and our local healthcare system. I believe now, more than ever before, we need strong advocacy to make sure the healthcare needs in our communities are being met. Our residents deserve to have access to quality healthcare in our community.
I would like to see healthcare evolve from a reactive system to a proactive system. I believe that to fully meet healthcare needs, and there needs to be a strong push for programs that offer education, nutrition, exercise, and, more than ever before strong options to support mental health. I also would like to see our smaller communities be able to seek some of the specialized care they may need in their own community!